Adventure Travel


We travel a lot ourselves and we always hear from fellow travellers how important good communication and staying connected is. It is highly valued by everyone. Last summer we equipped Maud and Iason who were traveling in Australia with the Thuraya SatSleeve.

5 week trip to North West Australia


Iason and I have been busy planning this trip for months. Buying the tickets, planning where to go and how to get there. Making car reservations for the 1500 kilometers through the outback. No doubt it had to be a 4×4. Making preperations while still being in Holland is not difficult. Apart from a first aid kit we wanted to have a satphone in case of emergencies. In Australia 3G is not always available. In the outback certainly not! As we both have an iPhone we decided to choose the Thuraya SatSleeve. Very easy to use and the Thuraya app made the SatSleeve work exactly as your iPhone. On the phone we got clear instructions from Henk Hokke, who works for Xtreme Districts. In Australia we phoned home a couple of times to tell everybody we were all right. The trip was a great succes.

Maud & Iason
